The Saily – Monoline Retro Script Font.Petite Romance | Handcrafted Script Font.Review of Top PREMIUM 10 Aesthetic Fonts for Your Project Other good fonts for music include Open Sans, GT Walsheim, Proxima Nova, Neutra Text Tf, Brandon Grotesque, Programme, Aktiv Grotesk, New Grotesk Round, Doctrine, Raleway, Px Grotesk and Roboto. If you’re working on a music project then try using Futura PT or Circular. For more information about the font click here.ToneDeaf BB | A font of cute looking music notes and symbols. These substitutions are based on the frequency of phonetic sounds and letters in the English language corresponding to the most common ranges in the human voice and note durations.

When the user generates their composition the same substitutions are applied to their text that P22 Music Pro font performs.

Each letter, number and punctuation mark is assigned a note on the C major scale. The font used in the P22 MTCG is a basic version that closely follows the initial Cage inspired idea. P22 Music Pro requires an application that uses OpenType features and is capable of contextual substitutions, such as Adobe InDesign or Illustrator. P22 Music Pro covers a wide range of symbols and notation used in traditional western music composition. It allows the user to compose music with text editing and page layout programs capable of OpenType features and contextual substitutions. P22 Music Pro is a unique font system that expands on the concept used in the Music Text Composition Generator. Creative Commons copyright is granted for all musical compositions generated by the P22 Music Text Composition Generator. The generated musical text does not claim copyright nor imply any rights from the text used. For browsers that do not allow simultaneous midi files to be played, multiple browser windows can be opened and "performed" at the same time. Simply follow steps 1-4 repeatedly altering instrument and BPM rate. In some browsers (Safari 2 or greater), the ability to play real time multi-tracking can allow for complex compositions. Length of visual score is limited and longer text may not render onscreen or print to full capacity. Texts where phrases are repeated often (like P22 Music Text Composition Generator) provide recurring musical phrasing that is truly astounding.

You may save your midi file for future use and print your sheet music for live instrument performances.Ī short text may be best at a slow pace (IE 10 BPM) whereas a longer text may prove more engaging at 1200 BP. Type or copy any text into the Text Field.